Quarter Shuffle

Quarter Shuffle Tips and Tricks:

General tips:

  • Plan your placements: Go for a 50-pointer before trying for the bulls-eye. It's harder to get a 50-pointer once you have a bulls-eye without possibly knocking it out.
  • Use stoppers: When a coin hits another coin straight-on it will come to a complete stop and send the other coin flying. Use this technique to get a coin on the bulls-eye by first placing a coin one coin-diameter above it, then hiting it gently with the next coin.
  • Bounce: Coins bounce off the top of the board. Use this to your advantage. Some players find it easier to control the coin speed by first bouncing off the top.
  • Practice makes perfect: Take a few games to get a feel of the coin physics. It's amazing how powerful your muscle memory is.

Tips for Ricochet (PRO game):

  • Ricochet Basics: A coin is worth double points if it hits or was hit by another coin.
  • More is better: Err on the side of over-shooting the first bowl. That way, you can touch the first coin on a subsequent bowl and get both on-target.
  • Do the bump-top: Hit an existing coin so that it bounces off the top and back on target.
  • Practice light-bumps: Try to just touch another coin so both get the bonus and stay on-target.

Tips for Lucky Streak (PRO game):

  • Lucky Streak Basics: A coin is worth double points if the last coin was on-target, and quadruple points if the last 2 were on-target.
  • Set up for the 3rd bowl: The goal is to get 2 coins on target, then aim for the bulls-eye on the third bowl for maximum points.
  • Outside-In: Aim to place the first 2 coins on the outer edges. This leaves space for the bulls-eye on the third bowl.
  • Save on Third: If you get the first coin on-target, but (unfortunately) miss on the second, try to knock it back in with the third coin so that it gets the double-bonus.

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